What's The Smartest Move When The Housing Bubble Bursts?
What's The Smartest Move When The Housing Bubble Bursts? The housing bubble burst will have the effect of a tidal wave on the Canadian housing market. Are you prepared for what that means? There's a Canadian real estate bubble? Depending on when this goes live, it's either just burst or it's still
Read MoreHow To Save, Earn, and Spend More With Your Property
How To Save, Earn, and Spend More With Your Property Owning real estate is incredibly advantageous but most people don't optimize their properties. To reach your financial goals quicker, check out some of these tips to find out what you can do once you've got the keys to your new house or condo. H
Read MoreWhat Does an Agent Mean When There is Low Inventory?
What Does an Agent Mean When There is Low Inventory? If you're on the hunt for a house, you probably heard about how the housing inventory is in dire straits. It's not just the Vancouver real estate market; across Canada, the real estate inventory is in a crisis situation. We're still far from sto
Read MoreWho Should You Bring (or not) Along To Open Houses and Home Inspections?
Who Should You Bring (or not) Along To Open Houses and Home Inspections? House hunting can feel lonely and the pressure can add up easily when you're going to invest a significant amount of money into a property. Usually, that means bringing someone along to help out - but are they helping or hurti
Read MoreHow To Decipher Some Real Estate Terms.
How To Decipher Some Real Estate Terms. Let's be real about real estate for a second. Real estate agents are there to buy and sell homes. Whether it's a real dump or a dream home, a house needs a homeowner. Hyping up a house is part of the sale, but all prospective buyers should know how to sift th
Read MoreHow New Developments Change Property Values.
How New Developments Change Property Values. Changes in property values seem scary to many homeowners, and with the volatility of the market always increasing it makes it hard to know if the value of your home is going to rise or wall. New developments as either new residential buildings or pieces
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Social Media and Real Estate Social media is an inescapable part of our daily lives, and it's no surprise that modern real estate agents are often on multiple social platforms for a multitude of reasons. In 2021 the American National Association of Realtors released a study that pointed out that so
Read More How Long Should a House Stay On The Market?
How Long Should a House Stay On The Market? The average time a house is on the market before it sells. The average time a house is on the market before it sells is around a month, sometimes less. This length of time depends on what kind of market you're in. In a seller's market, and even better a h
Read MoreWhat Are Bully Offers and How Do They Work?
What Are Bully Offers and How Do They Work? A bully offer is an offer made to purchase a property before the scheduled offer date. This type of offer is often made in order to try to get a better deal on a property than what can be expected on the offer day. It is called a bully offer because the b
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Digitization of Real Estate What is the digitization of real estate? Whether you're buying or selling, you've probably seen that the real estate industry did not escape the digital transformation but it goes beyond putting a listing online or making it significantly easier to search for specific pr
Read More Impact Of Current Events On The Housing Market
Impact Of Current Events On The Housing Market Government regulations and policies Government regulations and policies can have a significant impact on the housing market. For example, government regulations and policies may affect the availability of affordable housing, the cost of housing, or the
Read MoreHow To Work Well With Your Real Estate Agent
How To Work Well With Your Real Estate Agent There are a lot of tips out there to find out whether you have a good real estate agent or not but, as you can imagine, there are ways to make the whole process smoother. There are a few bad apples when it comes to real estate agents, and it's the same f
Read MoreThe Best Season To Sell Your House
The Best Season To Sell Your House? Winter might not be the best season to sell your home. If it has snowed recently and may continue to do so in the future, you might be disappointed by the lack of guests during an open house. You might even lose a potential buyer because of this. Put yourself in
Read MoreWhat Does a Residential Real Estate Agent Do?
What Does a Residential Real Estate Agent Do? Real estate agents help people buy and sell homes They work with buyers and sellers to find homes that meet their needs, and they work with lenders and other professionals to make the sale process as smooth as possible. What does that entail? For people
Read MoreHome Equity, Mortgage, and Other Important Financial Terms
Home Equity, Mortgage, and Other Important Financial Terms. When you're buying a home, you need to consider a lot of different names for a variety of fees. The 'typical cost' of a house is adding up things like private mortgage insurance, legal fees, the selling price, common fees, and fees related
Read MoreHow To Read Real Estate Buzz Words in Listings.
How To Read Real Estate Buzz Words in Listings. When you're browsing real estate listings, whether you're a first-time home-buyer or looking for inspiration for listing your property, there are some keywords that real estate agents use to grab your attention. Let's take a look at what these terms m
Read MoreWhat's The Difference Between Residential Real Estate and Other Kinds of Real Estate?
What's The Difference Between Residential Real Estate and Other Kinds of Real Estate? Residential real estate is based on the value of a home, not its commercial use. This may seem obvious but that's something that the average investor does not take into consideration. Typically, they will buy a ho
Read MoreWhat Does it Take To Be a Real Estate Agent?
What Does it Take To Be a Real Estate Agent? How to become a licensed real estate agent Get your pre-licensing education Agents must complete a province-approved course before they can take the licensing exam—and that means you'll have to choose your education provider carefully. In most provinces
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