How To Save On Your Utility Bills.
How To Save On Your Utility Bills.
Check your utility bills for accuracy.
The first thing to do is check your meters. Make sure they are still accurate. The second thing to do is make sure the bill reflects your actual usage, not what you used last month or even last year. If you have an old air conditioner, for example, it might be running less efficiently than when it was installed 10 years ago.
Compare rates from different providers.
If you're able to change providers, then it's time to do some comparative shopping. Utility costs can make up a large portion of your expenses so if you can get a better deal for your home's energy usage, you should take it.
If you're looking for ways to save money through your energy bills, this step is one you should revisit once in a while as utility companies can change over time, becoming better or worse.
Sign up for a rewards program with your energy company.
Many power companies are offering rewards for their customers. You might be able to get in-store gift certificates, travel vouchers, airline miles, etc. Take advantage of these programs to see if you can save some money on your bills in the long run.
Many of them will reward customers for taking take of their energy efficiency by purchasing energy-efficient appliances. This is because it helps them prevent things like overloading the electrical network. Not only will you get lower electric bills or natural gas bills - depending on where you are saving energy - you will help with energy consumption across the board.
Look for appliances that have an energy star label, these are more efficient and save you more money in the long run.
Install a programmable thermostat.
If you haven't already, consider installing a programmable thermostat. These aren't difficult to install and they will help reduce your energy bills by allowing you to set the temperature in different areas of your house at different times.
As part of your HVAC system, a programmable thermostat will help you start saving money almost as soon as it's installed. Energy savings are something you will feel year-round and your thermostat will help you figure out if there are issues in your heating system, your insulation, or your home's cooling systems.
Turn off electronics when not in use.
One easy thing to do when you're trying to save energy is turning off electronics. Laptops, televisions, and game consoles all draw a significant amount of power.
Turning them off helps with not only your electric bill but greenhouse gas emissions as well. Many of these devices have modes where they use less energy to start up faster but if you want to save electricity, you're better off turning them off completely.
Seal air leaks around doors and windows.
Many homes' cooling costs would be far lower if they efficiently trapped hot air inside. Your heating and cooling bills may be far higher than they should be because of poor weathering.
Heat loss during the winter means more cold air is entering your home, meaning that you need more energy to keep your home warm. Air leaks not only hurt you during cold weather but in the summer as well.
Your energy costs could be a lot lower, so get to check those doors and windows to save money.
Use LED light bulbs.
LED light bulbs last longer than average, use far less energy, and can help you save a lot of money on your electric bill.
You might find it's worth the investment to replace some of your old incandescent lights with LED bulbs. They are more expensive but they will pay for themselves within a few years depending on how much you use them.
Unplug electronics.
If you are leaving your home for a while, it's a good idea to go ahead and unplug all your electronics. The little red light on the devices when you turn them 'off' is to let you know that they can be turned back on quickly.
Even if it's just for a day or two, you can save money on your energy bill by unplugging non-critical electronics.
Plant trees for shade.
Trees are great for the environment but they are also great for your energy bills.
The shade that trees create helps with your cooling costs. Trees will soak up a lot of heat and CO2, which cools the area around your home.
Use a smart power strip.
A smart power strip has a lot going for it besides being 'smart'. It can automatically shut off power to devices that aren't being used.
This helps reduce the amount of energy wasted, which will help you save money and save energy without any effort on your part. Some smart power strips also come with surge protection so that you can feel safer about your electronics during thunderstorms.
Re-do the insulation to your home's walls, attic or crawlspace.
Over time, insulation, like many things, takes damage. Losing heat, rising heating costs, and more aren't as noticeable when they happen over time.
If you conduct an energy audit of your home, this is one area that you cannot skip. Good insulation helps protect your family not only against the cold but an exorbitant heating bill as well.
Wash full loads of clothes in cold water.
This tip helps you save energy and save money on your water bills.
Many washing machines that are energy-efficient, meaning that they have an energy star label, are more than capable of cleaning your clothes with cold water. In fact, unless there's a specific reason, you should be using cold water for most of your clothes.
Hot water can actually make some stains, like blood and sweat, harder to get out.
Take shorter showers.
While showers are better than baths, they still put a strain on your water heater and use up a lot of water.
Take shorter showers and not only will you save money on your water bill but the overall pressure on your plumbing system could help you save money as well.
Turn off the faucet when brushing teeth or shaving.
This one is a simpler way to save on your utility bills and hot water. Unless you're running your toothbrush or razor under the water, you can turn the water off. There's no point for your hot water heater to eat up energy and, basically, money while the water is going straight from the faucet and into the drain.
Keep blinds closed in the summer if your home is too hot.
To save on your energy bill, try closing your blinds to direct sunlight if it's getting too hot. A ceiling fan can do wonders for you there if you keep the blinds closed. You will save on cooling energy costs in the long run.
Open windows for ventilation instead of using a central air conditioner.
This is another way to save money on your energy bill, especially if you live in an area where it gets really hot. A fan combined with an open window or two can help you keep your home comfortable without triggering the smart thermostat - but if you do notice it turn on, quickly close your windows to prevent a preventable spike on your electric bill.
Clean your furnace or air conditioner once a year
You don't want your furnace to break down in the middle of winter or realize that your air conditioner is only operating at half its potential when the summer is almost over.
These important parts of your HVAC system need proper maintenance to make sure your energy costs are what they should be.
Air conditioning filters get dirtier the more they are in use, so try not to overuse them. Setting your smart thermostat to a comfortable level that doesn't require constant operation will increase the device's lifespan.
Turn off lights when leaving a room.
This is a simple task, but one that does have a direct impact on your energy costs.
By turning off lights when you leave a room, you can save hundreds of dollars per year by reducing your electricity usage.
Add solar panels.
You can use sunlight to generate your own solar power and use solar heat to warm up your water. There are a lot of uses for natural light beyond its benefits to your physical and mental health.
This is one of the more involved ways to save money on your utility bills but if you use less energy coming from the power company in the long run then you can justify the investment.
Install dimmer switches.
For lamps and overhead lights, dimmers can be part of your energy savings plan. Not only do the dimmers let you regulate how much energy you use, they let your body adjust as the day goes on to a more natural rhythm. This makes it easier for you to go to sleep because of the softer lights.
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