Home Maintenance/Renovation Tips
Renovation Tips
Change is scary, some might say terrifying but it can result in great things. Don't be afraid to make changes. Even if you are using a house that has been in your family for generations, it's important to remember that this doesn't mean that you have to leave it the same way that it was when you inherited it. Sometimes small changes can yield big returns. Your home is yours to do with what you want, whether it's adding hardwood floors, changing the water heater, or transforming the property to increase its resale value, go ahead and make some improvements.
Important Precautions
When you are renovating your home, make sure that any new electrical work is done by a professional electrician. If you don't, you increase the risk of having an electrical fire. No one in the family is going to look forward to the money and repair time that that could create, not to mention the cleaning.
When you need to fix a roofless area of your home, one option is simply to cover it with either wood or metal plates. Many small patches like these can be done by yourself without the need for extensive repairs as a temporary measure.
If you live in an area where there is significant weathering, then you will want to pay special attention to areas like this. You can protect them with a new coat of paint and some waterproofing.
Avoid any home improvement project that requires the use of dangerous chemicals if possible. Many people find them unpleasant to work with and can result in problems like poisoning or fire. A better option is to either hire someone to do this type of job or simply not complete it yourself.
When doing home repairs on your house, make sure that you are careful when disposing of any old items. Never throw out anything that still contains energy sources like batteries, as they can cause fires if disposed of improperly.
If the tree branches surrounding your house are overhanging it, then you will want to trim them as soon as possible. If they are allowed to grow too long, they can cause damage if their limbs fall down during a storm or because of poor health.
Structural Fixes
Some issues aren't just aesthetic. There are times where renovations are needed to keep your house fulfilling its basic duties - like staying sturdy. To that end, you can make your home's structure even more solid by adding extra support beams to the walls. If you notice that the house is weak in certain places or appears to be sagging, it may be time for additional supports. Most repairs can be made with wood, but steel rods also work well if they are unobtrusive. As is wise, make sure you're consulting with a professional if you're not used to using just your bare hands and a handy guide.
You want to keep the air in your home as dry as possible to prevent damage to other parts of the house. One way to automate this is by using fans or other ventilation systems coupled or equipped with a humidistat. This will turn on the fan when humidity levels are above normal, and it will shut off when they are below the desired threshold. To keep mould from developing on your walls, simply keep humidity levels below 60% at all times. You can do this by keeping windows open, running fans or air conditioning units, and using humidifiers.
You'll want to pay attention to any areas that are showing signs of water damage, no matter how small. While this might not seem like a big deal, it's best to take action sooner before major problems occur. In a bathroom, for example, careful cleaning and maintenance will involve checking if the materials used are suited for an environment that is more humid than usual.
Smoke Detectors
It's best to be prepared. You should always be sure that you have at least one smoke detector per floor of your home. If you don't have a sprinkler system, consider putting in a fire extinguisher.
If you see that the flooring of your home is starting to wear down or if it has been more than 10 years since its last refurbishing, this may be another sign that it's time for some major care. Flooring accounts for a significant portion of the overall value and appearance of your home, so you will want to take the proper steps when it comes time for repairs. One easy fix is to simply relocate any furniture that might be in danger of damaging the flooring.
There are many ways for you to enhance the value of your home with little work on your part. One of these is by using floor treatments that use stains and dyes to give it a similar colour to the other floors in your home. The process is fast and easy, and it can be completed by someone who doesn't have experience with carpentry or construction.
You will want to fix any wood issues on your house right away instead of putting it off for later. If you fail to do so now, the problem could get worse or require significantly more extensive repairs in the future. If you are worried about doing this yourself, hire someone who is experienced with carpentry. After all, a good story about a misshappen chair is fun, but something that pertains to something critical in your home is best left to a professional.
The roof of your home is something that needs to be inspected annually by a professional. While you can usually find signs before major problems occur, there are some issues that will only show themselves once the damage has already been done. Don't assume that you can do it yourself without any experience or training, as this is a job that only an expert should take on.
Want to do some of it by yourself?
Chances are that you found this post because you can do some, if not all, the renovations you're thinking of all by yourself. In that case, you definitely know that most projects will take more than a nifty multi tool and some free time. Here are some tips for your upcoming journey to upgrade, style, and repair your house to your standards.
While there are many types of professionals that can benefit your home, it's important to remember that they aren't always necessary. Sometimes you can complete a job the smart way with just a bit of elbow grease, research, and some old-fashioned patience. The first thing to consider is your remodeling budget; a contingency fund is essential. An accident can ruin otherwise fine jobs and you need to be ready to shoulder the cost to restore your house to a good condition.
When you start doing repairs on your house, make sure that you have a constant supply of drinking water and keep it clear from working areas. If any chemicals are being used, they can contaminate the water and make it dangerous to ingest. This goes doubly so if you're working on your plumbing systems.
Preparation will save you a lot of grief; the first thing you need to protect is yourself. The right protective gear, while you are doing repair work on your home, can easily save you a stressful trip to the emergency room. While most jobs don't require it, things like hammering nails can cause some trouble if you aren't careful with them. You don't want to harm your eyes, so always wear protective gloves.
As the renovation process progresses, you should take into account what disposal is going to look like. No one wants to go to sleep in a house full of debris or have a pile of bricks encroaching into areas of the house not being renovated. Make sure that you are careful when disposing of any old items, especially appliances and old hardware. Some of these items require specific procedures and it's better to get everything sorted to avoid possible fines or hazards.
When repairing your ceiling take extra care while working on areas that are near the top of your home. You can easily fall and seriously injure yourself if you aren't careful, so do everything that you can to avoid this from happening.
Before you start taking a tour of the big box stores to find a new garage door, the first thing and most important thing throughout the process is making sure that your tools are suited to the task. It's great to save money but it's best not to neglect things like monoxide detectors, your access to cold water, and doing your best to meet accessibility guidelines. Better to look silly and be safe than to look silly because of an avoidable injury.
To conclude:
Renovations are not something you should put off. When it comes to things like mold, your house's structural integrity, and electrical systems are more urgent than others and often require the employment of a professional. Whether you decide to go it alone or hire, what you're doing is making your home your own. The end result can make a world of difference to you and your family.
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